« Obama Never Heard Wright's "Controversial" Statements? Funny, He Writes About Them In His Memoir
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March 15, 2008
Obama "Nodded In Agreement" At A Wright Anti-American Sermon
From a NewsMax article, but whatever. Even if his defenders claim we can't take NewsMax's word on the nodding, we know he was there, we know he heard this, and we know he did not ever say a word about this until it threatened to tank his candidacy.
Wright laced into America's establishment, blaming the "white arrogance" of America's Caucasian majority for the woes of the world, especially the oppression suffered by blacks. To underscore the point he refers to the country as the "United States of White America." Many in the congregation, including Obama, nodded in apparent agreement as these statements were made.
More at the link.
Thanks to someone.