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March 14, 2008
Michelle and Barack Obama Tarnished By What Apears To Be Clear Quid Pro Quo Political In-Your-Pocket Payoff;
Hope, Change Hardest Hit
Yes, I know, for once, JackM. already posted this.
I'm reposting because 1) JackM. teased it gently instead of really pushing it out there and 2) I wanted to write that headline.
Hm. A Chicago machine politician is schooled in the Bad Old Ways of blatant, not-even-disguised-a-little-bit directy-into-your-pocket kickbacks and payoffs... who would have thunk it.
Apparently not our very jaded and very suspicious media, which is only interested in juicy stories and would never, ever go into the tank for someone just because they share his rabidly leftwing politics.
Amen, Brother: Confederate Yankee on Barack Obama's 20 year tutelage under a bigoted, hateful, anti-American hate preacher.
With some commentary -- as some of you suggested would be useful -- on the fact that he took his children to this church, to learn hate from the master.