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March 11, 2008
Baby news....
UPDATE WITH THE UPDATE [Dave]: Screw this pitosin shit, we're going in after this boy. C-Section.
A son.
Moses Glenn, unless they're still arm wrestling over the name, and she's on morphine so Russ might win.
3 pounds 5 ounces. 16.5 inches long. He's healthy, as is mom. Bacon later. Get him up to fightin weight. But he'll be there for several days puttin on weight and making poopies.
Russ said thanks everyone.
UPDATE above the post [Dave in Texas]:
Just spoke with Russ... things are going well, and they're in good hands. I asked him to call me with news. Will update.
There's a baby happening in Winterset tonight! I can't think of anything better happening at all, really.
God bless pal. Don't step on the wires and stuff, pisses the docs off.
Lord I know.
Russ' post:
As you all know from previous entries, my wife Janis is pregnant with our first child. She's suffering from pre-eclampsia, a condition where high blood pressure can create complications for both the mother & child. She went in for her regular weekly appointment yesterday, and the doctors decided that her BP was too high to risk continuing the pregnancy any further. We're at 34 weeks right now, and as I type this, we're sitting in a suite on the maternity ward waiting for the doctors to induce labor.
Everything's looking pretty good right now, and I'll try to give out the vital information as soon as we get it. The ultrasound they did yesterday indicated that the baby's just shy of 4 pounds, and since Janis had a steriod shot for the baby's lungs about a month ago, the nurses & doctor are confident that the baby will be OK, even if he/she is a little premature. They think we'll have to let Baby hang out in the incubator for a couple of days, but then we should be able to take him/her home.
Thanks to everyone here for the previous good wishes, and NO, we decided against naming the baby "Ace Allah (from Winterset)". Now "Laura BBeck (from Winterset)"? We haven't eliminated that one yet.

posted by Russ from Winterset at
09:31 PM
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