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March 10, 2008
Valentine's Day With Elliot Spitzer
Valentine's Day!
"I miss you, baby."
-- "I miss you too."
"Is it cold in DC?"
-- "Eh, it's okay."
"I wish I could be with your for Valentine's Day."
-- "Oh, you wouldn't like it. It's a lot of boring stuff."
"But I meant at night, Elliot."
-- "Trust me, that's boring too."
"Are you getting me anything, honey?"
-- "Sure. Absolutely. Candy. Flowers. Some chocolate-covered herpes simplex."
-- "Oh, that wasn't me."
"It sounded like you said herpes."
-- "No, it was just the floor squeaking. I stepped on a gazelle. Okay gotta go, baby. I have a meeting coming up with some big backers."
The Incoming Governor Will Give You Bigger Government: Bigger everything, really.
Does Anyone Understand Sign Language? Not sure of what he's asking for here.
Thanks to Dan Riehl, with more. Something about Spitzer forcing something or other "down the throats" of New Yorkers or something.
Faso was prescient.
Hey, Who Are You Calling Cocksucker? Read this, especially the letter at the end of the post.
I was just debating whether or not I should feel sorry for this guy.
That debate is over.
Guess That Party Correction: Originally this post asserted in the first item that the NYT had buried Spitzer's affiliation in the fifteenth paragraph. That's what a tipster told me; when I checked, I didn't see the reference to Democrat until the fifteenth paragraph either.
But now a bunch of buzzkills are claiming the NYT did in fact mention it in the third paragraph, from the beginning. As I never bothered to take a screenshot, I'll take their words for it. They're right I'm sure.
That original post, and then the mistaken "correction" that followed, below the fold.
Resigning... If you're watching TV, you know the speculation is that Spitzer is trying to work out an ipso facto plea bargain with prosecutors -- don't prosecute and I'll resign. They usually wouldn't prosecute, but his position as an executive of the public trust more or less demands it.
So the hold up here is about working out a promise to not prosecute and, I suppose, for his testimony.
DrewM reports seeing this:
The Assembly minority leader is on live and he said he just spoke to the Lt. Governor. He wouldn't go into details about a private conversation but did say, "it relates to the fact that the Governor may resign today".
This guy, Jim Tedisco, hates Spitzer and usually is a bomb thrower but right now he seems quiet, calm and shocked.
I think he's gotten word it's about to happen.
Only a matter of time I think.
Guess! That! Party!
UPDATE: AoSHQ Gets Results: They added his party affiliation in the third graf now.
NYT: Paragraph 15 before they even obliquely hint as something as trivial as party affiliation.
Yes, the claim will be everyone knows what party Elliot Spitzer belongs to. Well, that's not true, not even in NY, and certainly not for the national audience the NYT serves first and foremost.
And you can goodamn bet that if Spitzer were a Republican the NYT would not take the chance of leaving anyone hanging as regards his partisan affiliation. It would be in the headline, baby, no matter how many people "already knew it" or not.