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Correction: Everything That Guy Just Said Was Bullshit. We Regret the Error. »
March 05, 2008
Sublimminababble Messages: NBC's Medium Features Murderer, Cannibal Who Just Happens To Be Ex-POW Arizona Politician
Gee, what do you think they're trying to say? Support the troops, I reckon. Or they'll kill you and eat your ass.

I haven't had fall-off-the-bone tender
Children's Fingers like this since Da Nang.
And in a development that surprises absolutely no one except John McCain himself, the Republican nominee is now being treated by the MSM as a Republican, with only 30% positive coverage as compared to Obama's 67%.
And even that understates how positive Obama's coverage has been -- 25% of his coverage was neutral, and the 8% of his coverage that was negative at all came only from special NBC White House correspondent Satan, the Prince of Lies, who vowed "Barack Obama will never establish a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth while I yet draw breath!"
He then laughed as he got into a limo with "longtime companion" David Shuster.