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March 05, 2008
Clinton Open To The Idea Of Identity Politics Dream Ticket?
Obama-Clinton, Clinton-Obama, either way it’s Liberal and Liberaler.
Speaking on "The Early Show" on CBS, Clinton said "that may be where this is headed, but of course we have to decide who is on the top of the ticket."
Clinton said the race between her and Obama remains "incredibly close," with just "smidgens of difference" between them in both the popular vote and number of delegates.
Video here.
She cackles when giving the answer and she only does that when she hates what’s being said, so I am not sure how sincere she is about this.
While there’s ample precedent for rivals teaming up on a ticket do these two really look like they are going to make that work?
Maybe if Obama had come up just short and the VP spot was offered to him but the way things are going, the only way Clinton gets the top spot is by some seriously Machiavellian maneuvering. Would the Obamassiah tarnish his brand by playing second fiddle the woman who “stole” the nomination from him?
If Obama holds her off, does anyone really see Hillary wanting to be VP? She probably won’t be a Gore/Cheney type with some independent power. She’s be the old school, “go to funerals and meet with second rate foreign dignitaries” type Didn’t she already do that for 8 years? And what does she bring to Obama beyond ‘party unity’, which he’d have anyway? With her on the ticket he’d have to deal with her baggage and if they won, 4 years of her efforts to undermine him.
Either way, Maverick is the Republican nominee so we’re still screwed.
UPDATE: Obama says this is all a little 'premature'

posted by DrewM. at
11:43 AM
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