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March 04, 2008
Dave in Texas, Your Man on the Ground in Texas 303
I never felt so out of place in my life.
Well, except for dodgeball callin, in 8th grade.
I caucused (did I spell that correctly) tonight. There were 17 delegates at stake in my whole county, I think we pick 2.7 of those fuckers.
54.6% against 46.6% for Obamarama. UPDATE: ok, 45. something Whatever the hell she said.
That's a rough shot at 77 goobers caucusing. Rules simplified, 70% counts from the ballots cast, 30% from that dorkwad meeting I just left.
I should not have worn a white button down shirt. I was definitely THE MAN.
So that's how my county is caucussing. On the way home I heard Huck "I KILLED THE MORMON" giving it up.
So that was my Tuesday night, tolls and traffic from Big D.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:35 PM
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