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March 03, 2008
Chavez Threatens War In Favor of FARC Terrorists Against Democratic Government of Colombia
Pardon me for not posting this earlier, but I really have nothing to add that isn't perfectly hack, obvious, platitudinous, or all of the above.
Nevertheless this is big and whether I have anything to say about it is irrelevant.
Short version: Marxist narco-terrorist organization FARC has been kidnapping Americans and other Western foreigners for some time for money. They also moonlight as drug-traffickers and essentially an organized crime family with a leftist political agenda. Once in a while they indulge in some light political assassination of anti-drug or anti-terrorist political leaders or judges.
Colombia killed a bunch of these bastards hiding out in Ecuaador. Ecuador is making the typical noises about this and moving troops to its border, which is aggressive, but understandable, sort of, under the circumstances.
But it's Hugo Chavez, Sucker of Terrorist Cock, who is similarly moving troops to the border to threaten Colombia not out of any territorial-sovereignty rationale but out of simple solidarity with kidnappers, drug-thugs, murderers and assassins.
What can be said? We all know war is bad, but we also know some things are worse than war and we all, I think, are of a fairly like mind on the best possible fate for one Hugo Chavez.
Venezuela and Ecuador have ordered troops to their borders with Colombia, raising concerns of a broader conflict after Colombia killed a top rebel leader on Ecuadorean soil.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Sunday promised Venezuela would respond militarily if Colombia violates its border, where he ordered tanks as well as thousands of troops. He also ordered closed Venezuela’s embassy in Bogota.
Ecuador’s president, Rafael Correa, called for the troop deployment while also withdrawing his government’s ambassador from Bogota and expelling Colombia’s top diplomat.
“There is no justification,” Correa said Sunday night, snubbing an earlier announcement from Colombia that it would apologize for the incursion by its military.
Chavez called the killing of rebel leader and spokesman Raul Reyes and 16 other rebels on Saturday an attack by a “terrorist state.”
“Mr. Defense Minister, move 10 battalions to the border with Colombia for me, immediately — tank battalions. Deploy the air force,” Chavez said during his weekly TV and radio program. “We don’t want war, but we aren’t going to permit the U.S. empire, which is the master (of Colombia) ... to come divide us.”
Colombian officials have long complained that Ecuador’s military does not control its sparsely populated border, allowing rebels to take refuge.
The same holds true for Venezuela, where rebel deserters say the guerrillas routinely rest, train, obtain medical care and smuggle drugs. Chavez denies that his country provides refuge to the FARC.
In a statement, Colombia said FARC “terrorists” including Reyes “have had the custom of killing in Colombia and taking refuge in the territory of neighboring countries.”
Chavez is somewhat clever for so long alleging the US plans to strike at him... thus giving the US pause in doing so, even when he threatens an ally and general stability in the reason, for fair of turning him into a prophet and martyr.
But as long as we turn him into a corpse I think we can take the hit.
That's premature at this point, and it's that knee-jerk sentiment I was loathe to express.
But I think we're beginning to see that Chavez is not merely a tinpot blowhard buffoon but rather a dangerous leftist tyrant who wishes not just to enslave his own country but neighboring countries as well.
And at some point that trajectory must be intercepted.