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March 03, 2008
US Marines To Get Advanced Hunting Training…Terrorists and Other Assorted Dirt Bags Hit Hardest.
Marines are now receiving hunting training to better enable them to see and understand their environment using their instincts and senses. The goal is to help them become the hunters and not the prey in Iraq and other places.
Too many troops felt fear when they left their bases in Anbar province, the vast western region of Iraq where Marines hold the lead combat role for the U.S. military.
“Fear is a terrible thing. The Marines felt they were being hunted. They felt they were bait for the insurgents,” (Marine Col. Clarke) Lethin said.
“How do we teach our Marines to be the hunters? How do we bring the confidence back?” Lethin said. “Sometimes technology is not the answer. We think we have the answer in Combat Hunter.”
The unorthodox program draws on the expertise of an eclectic mix of consultants. There are the tracking abilities of David Scott-Donelan, a former officer in the South African Special Forces and a veteran of civil wars in Africa. Then there's African guide Ivan Carter, as well as others who would rather not be identified by the Marine Corps.
Training drills also reflect the hunting skills of Marines from rural areas and, as an unclassified Marine briefing said, the life experiences of those “who have lived in disadvantaged areas of large cities.
You have to hand it to the Marines for being creative. While other services often focus on technology, the Marines once again demonstrate their belief that their most powerful weapon is a well trained and prepared Marine.
The program is the brainchild of Marine General James Mattis, who is likely to be remembered as one of the great Marines of his time.

posted by DrewM. at
11:41 AM
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