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February 28, 2008
The Biased Liberal Media, Meet Hillary Clinton; Hillary Clinton, Meet the Biased Liberal Media
Two great pictures flagged by Hot Air.
Hmmm... what do you think they're trying to tell us here?
St. Obama, wreathed by opalescent Godlight

Hillary Clinton, as the walls sweat blood which forms a
portrait of Satan/Karl Rove
I think I'm leaning towards the candidate endorsed by the Prince of Lies.
Good links in this post about the claims of McCain playing the race card against Obama, versus Obama actually playing the race card against everyone.
A liberal I know -- and a Hillary partisan -- has been complaining for months about the sneaky but effective way Obama plays the race card. I don't know if he's just annoyed that his candidate is losing, or if there's something there.
I guess now that Obama is the nominee I'll watch more carefully.