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February 26, 2008
Starbucks to Close Shops Nationwide Today, Will Turn Stores Into Barrista Re-education Camps
CEO Howard Shultz announced a nationwide closure for 3 hours at 5:30 Pacific to "re-energize" employees and focus on "espresso standards".
Schultz said he wants baristas to share their passion for making espresso, or as he said, "to pull the perfect shot, steam milk to order and customize their favorite beverage."
Schultz said it's part of his refocusing on the coffee customer experience.
Refocusing on the "coffee customer experience" by locking the doors to train employees while the customer waits for a cup of coffee.
I don't remember much about my business classes, but I think this was what we called "unclear on the concept".
I don't really hate Starbucks, but I don't like them either. They sell an "experience" and a crappy cup of joe. Fine, that's your niche, knock yourself out. If I want a good cup of coffee I'll go to Dunkin Donuts and live with the experience.
Well, I would. If we had one around here.
from LauraW who's probably got 5 Dunkin Donuts within a half mile of her, which explains why she's a helluva lot more cheerful than me by the time she gets to work.

posted by Dave In Texas at
05:01 PM
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