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February 24, 2008
The Ralph Nader is Undead Open Thread
tmi3rd asks whether Ralph Nader will have much of an impact in the race.
I think not. He got only 500,000 votes last time, when so many Democrats were angry at President Bush and disaffected about John Kerry. They were still irritated that he'd mucked up Al Gore's chances. Do I think he has any chance at all of peeling of voters from feel-good, change-engine Obama? No, not at all.
MORE: The thing that amazes me about Nader is just how long he's been around. Are there people who don't know who he is? For example, in the mid-90s, I came across Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle's excellent book Lucifer's Hammer. It was written in 1977. Ralph Nader gets mentioned. Actually, it pulled me right out of the book. I had to stop and think about it: "Same Ralph Nader? Yeah, sounds like him. Okay."

posted by Gabriel Malor at
05:57 PM
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