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If the Race is Over, Why is Clinton Still Fighting? »
February 23, 2008
And today pigs flew (chad)
Not quite but almost as noteworty Clark Hoyt, the Public Editor of the New York Times (doesn't that almost sound like some sort of cheap detective series?), called Bill Keller on the carpet for publishing the McCain / Iseman story.
Yes, this is the same Clark Hoyt, who when Ed Whelan pointed out that Linda Greenhouse, the NY Times Supreme Court Reporter, was reporting on cases in which her husband or his law firm were participating managed to keep a straight face while proclaiming that charge a personal vendetta. To me this indicates that this story was the journalistic equivalent of finding a turd in the punch bowl at your daughter's 400 person wedding.
Given this development I have a feeling the fall out on this story isn't quite over.
Edit: I originally named Linda Greenhouse as Jan Grossman. I fixed it but I couldn't just do a strike out so I had to delete the original name.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:45 PM
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