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February 22, 2008
Texas Poll
Very, very interesting.
The War in Iraq has dropped from the number one determing factor for voters. The economy is at the top of the list for supporters of Clinton, McCain and Paul. Immigration tops the list for supporters of Huckabee and Affecting Change in Washington is the top reason voters support Obama.
Let's see how this shit breaks down.
If the election were held today, who would you vote for? Democrats:
Clinton 46%
Obama 45%
Ear Wax Smells Good 2%
Ear Wax Smells Bad 5%
Indifferent To The Distinct But Not Overly Offensive Stench Of Earwax 2%
Margin of error: +/- 4%
If the election were held today, who would you vote for? Republicans:
Huckabee 30%
McCain 52%
Paul 9%
Undecided Fascist Baby-Beaters 9%
OK, so, look, I'm drunk-blogging again. But I still think there's something hinky going on with the polls.
No way the Dem earwax-likers are inside the margin of error. Nuh-uh.

posted by Laura. at
12:13 AM
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