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Oliver Willis: Barack Obama "Smells Like A Movement" »
February 21, 2008
I guess I need an article for this. This will do as well as any:
Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton for the ninth and tenth straight time last night, with blowouts in Wisconsin and Hawaii. Needless to say, this means nothing. As Clinton strategist Mark Penn explained yesterday, Wisconsin has a lot of independent voters, so it doesn't really matter. And Hawaii is practically Obama's home state, so it obviously doesn't matter. Anyway, as Penn said recently, "winning Democratic primaries is not a qualification or a sign of who can win the general election." It's apparently not even a sign of who can win the Democratic nomination — at least not when the victories are Obama's.
Spin works best when it's intermittent and plausible; the Clinton camp's has been constant and ludicrous. Is it really wise to dismiss the vast majority of the United States as insignificant? Does anyone believe that the misguided attack on Obama's kindergarten ambitions was "a joke"? Explain to us again why Michigan's delegates should be seated even though Democrats agreed not to campaign there and Obama wasn't even on the ballot? Why are we supposed to ignore Wisconsin when it's got exactly the demographics that Penn has assured us are part of Hillary's "enduring coalition," back when Hillary had a massive lead in the state and just about every other state?
This morning, after his resounding victories in Wisconsin and Hawaii, Hillary finally acknowledged the obvious about Obama: "He's had a good couple of weeks, and he's run a good race." It wasn't an admission of defeat; it was an admission of reality. It added a bit of credibility to her larger where's-the-beef argument, which is that Obama isn't ready to be President, and voters have been falling for his fancy speeches without examining his substance. That's spin, too, but it's reasonable spin that tells a debatable but plausible story. We'll see if voters buy it in Texas and Ohio.
And if they don't, we'll find out whether Texas and Ohio don't matter either.
Actually, read the whole thing. If we're bending over for McCain and rolling over for Obama, we might as well lie back and enjoy it.
Exhibition? Slublog's on a roll:

"Everything's fine! There are no tanks in Baghdad!
And I'm still leading in Pennsylvania by a thinning margin!"
If you want a piece of this, please host the pic yourself on Photobucket or something and post the link.
I have a reason: I get a lot of these sometimes but I don't want to put up ones I don't think are very good. So then I feel like shit for not putting up someone's work. I'm a sensitive guy (really).
But I do want to just post really good ones.
So if you link, your pic gets seen, and then if it's good, I'll put it down below, too. Plus if people are telling me "That one's great!" I might put it up even if I don't like it, trusting the wisdom of the commentariat.
It was my original idea to Slublog to do "Tourist Guy" type shots of Hillary at the world's most famous disasters... he's not on that kick, but I think it's a funny possibility.
Slublog Strikes Again&bodytext= I guess I need an article for this. This will do as well as any: Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton for the ninth and tenth straight time last night, with blowouts in Wisconsin and Hawaii. Needless to say, this...&topic=world_news">
posted by Ace at
02:44 PM
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