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February 21, 2008
LGF Gets a Correction from the MSM
As usual, they falsely described some over-the-top comments as "blog posts" written by the site's author.
Which isn't merely clueless-- we know the MSM knows and understands the distinction, otherwise, you know, they could be doing hundreds of stories about the death-wishes and cancer-hexes regularly offered up by leftwing blog commenters. Indeed, whenever a leftwing blog is taken to task, liberal defenders (including those in the MSM) immediately object "those are just comments!," even when they're not, such as the case with big Democratic macher Kos' infamous "I feel nothing -- screw them" statement.
So we know the MSM generally understands this distinction -- and certainly any goddamned reporter covering the Internet beat. Why then was this "error" ever made in the first place?
Do not ascribe to malice what can be better explained by stupidity and all that, but in this case, stupidity is not, in fact, a better explanation. CAIR pushed a hit into the MSM and the MSM dutifully complied.
Thanks to CJ.