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February 19, 2008
Phillipines: Body of Bali Bomber Discovered? Authorities Suspect Cause of Death Heartache, Malnutrition and Gunshot Wounds To Head Chest and Foot, but Mostly Gunshot Wounds to Head Chest and Foot
Commenter TJ mentioned this last night in the sea critters thread.
The Philippine military has exhumed what it believes is the body of Dulmatin, an Indonesian militant wanted for the 2002 Bali bombings that killed over 200 people.
The US had offered a $10 million dollar bounty for him. They suspect he'd been in the southern Phillipines since 2003. Where they peacefully grow pineapples, play yard games and engage in light-hearted philosophical discussions and poetry reading sessions.
I guess his poems sucked.

posted by Dave In Texas at
12:10 PM
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