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February 18, 2008
Obama Bloomberg 08? UPDATE: Rumor Status
Half hour breakfast meeting in New York on Friday 3 months ago, shit. Seated at a window table for a nice photo op.
Here's a scenario I could really get behind. Hillary steals wins the nomination, Bloomberg decides to spend a bazillion dollars and runs with Obama as an independent!
This March 4, I know a certain Texan who is casting a vote for Hillary.
UPDATE: reliapundit says it's old. Really old. That's what I get for listening to a story on Rush and looking for it with my awesome google skills.
This guy apparently heard it too.
So I may yet be vindicated, which won't help cause I'm still a moron.
more: Gabriel found this Armstrong Williams column that splains, but it's still nothing more than a rumor.

posted by Dave In Texas at
02:39 PM
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