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February 12, 2008
Vote For Coulter's Gal, Hillary
Chilling post from Hot Air -- yes, reality is confirmed, if Hillary doesn't start winning and winning big (specifically in Ohio and Texas) her campaign is finished. The superdelegates she's counting on won't stay with her just to back the weak candidate.
Hillary! is now Hillary?
And this point is so obvious I guess it needs to be made:
A few days ago, I asked an experienced Democratic strategist this question: Given everything that has happened in the campaign so far, is there any foreseeable scenario under which Hillary Clinton wins the nomination and black Democrats say, ‘Well, Obama ran a good race, but she won it fair and square’”? The strategist said, no, there is no such scenario. The damage has already been done, and if Obama is defeated by the votes of superdelegates loyal to the Clintons, Democrats will be a party plagued by divisions far more serious than anything Republicans are experiencing now.
So duh I think even I've written that.
So we've got to put lipstick on this pig ASAP, guys. Switch your party registration, tell a friend, vote early and often.
Oh, and it looks like Hillary is going to lose today. Though probably not by the margins predicted:
I had a two word answer for all the folks who said it was over, that Hillary was dead, that all the money and momentum for Obama meant he would walk on water come the time for the polls to close.
Two words - New Hampshire. And New Hampshire it was.
It’s not that Obama didn’t do well, of course he did. He did very well.
But, California turned out to be as clear-cut a victory for Hillary as most people thought it would be two weeks earlier. The Latino and women's vote stayed with Hillary.
New York was a romp. New Jersey was easy. Even Massachusetts — the most liberal state in the nation, where Obama won the endorsements of both Senators, Kennedy and Kerry, not to mention the newly elected African American Governor, Deval Patrick, even Massachusetts was Clinton country.
What is going on?
If you paid attention to the gushers in the press and punditry in the days leading up to Super Tuesday, Hillary was on her way to the morgue, murdered by her crazy husband’s loose talk, abandoned by young voters and women and anti-war Democrats, and anyone else they could think of.
Not so.
Partly, it’s a measure of Hillary’s strength. But it’s also a sign of Obama’s weakness which, it seems, we who chatter for a living have been reluctant to speak about, lest we be tarred with having raised the “race card.”
But, the fact is that there is a long pattern of what we in California call the “Bradley problem” in polling, after the former Los Angeles mayor who was elected governor in every poll, including the exits, except that he lost at the ballot box. Did I mention that he was African-American?
That was, according to the pollsters, the problem: about 10 percent of the electorate claimed that they were going to vote for him, and in many cases even told pollsters that they did, but they lied.
Shocking. Racism in America. Who’d a thunk it?
Only a small part of that is racism. A lot of it is just political correctness -- we're all supposed to claim we want the black guy to win, even if we don't like him terribly much.
Plus, the left is singing songs to his divinity. It's rude to deny a messiah.
Estrich moves on to play the race card herself:
No one doubts, or at least no one who is honest does, that both racism and sexism come into play as people decide between Clinton and Obama, but could it be that people are more willing to admit that they won’t vote for the woman than that they won’t vote for the black?
If this is happening even among us good Democrats, what does that say about Obama’s strength in a general election? Not pretty questions. Not a fair world.
But for Democrats who want to win, these are questions that must be addressed.
Hey, fine. Whatever it takes for My Gal to win, I'm in favor of it.