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Another Nifong »
February 11, 2008
Projected Dem Delegate Winner: Obama
Rufini 's done some analysis and finds Obama will come out on top with more delegates (but not enough to take the nomination without more superdelegates) by 59.
If Hillary manages to pull off her plan to change the rules post-facto and award Michigan and Florida their full delegate counts, Obama still leads -- albeit by only 12.
It's beginning to look like BizzyBlog's prediction will be borne out. Hillary, or "My Girl," as Ann Coulter calls her, is going to lose.
A new poll says that Obama beats McCain 48-42, whereas McCain and Hillary are tied.
PS, Gore's endorsement may swing a lot of those superdelegates, and Team Hillary is pretty sure they won't get the nod.
And... Heh.