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February 08, 2008
David Shuster's a Dick
I really don't think it's terribly bad to say the Clintons are "pimping out" Chelsea. It's a common expression now. We know it doesn't literally mean "turning out as a whore."
It does show you how very, very solicitous NBC is of the Clinton's that David Shuster was suspended over this remark.
So if he didn't do anything much wrong here, why is he a dick?
I don't know, maybe because his daddy didn't love him enough. Or loved him too much. I'm not a psychologist.
The "pimping out" line is irrelevant. He is and always will be a dick. And he realizes just how limited his job prospects are. Otherwise he wouldn't give it up like a three-tooth three-dollar Tijuana tranny whore when the NBC brass said boo to him.