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February 07, 2008
Romney Out? Update: Confirmed.
The signs are there, according to Byron York.
Thanks to, uh, "Vice President Huckabee."
Update - Multiple sources now.
Confirmed - It's real.
Romney just announced the end of his campaign during his CPAC speech, calling for conservatives to unite in this time of war to defeat Clinton or Obama. It was a very gracious speech, and shows that if nothing else, Romney is a classy guy who has no intention of leaving the national stage. It should be interesting to see what he does next.
The next big speech, of course, is that of the presumptive nominee. Will he reach out to conservatives, or choose the way of The Maverick™. The only advice I can give him?
From the Comments - Angler makes a great point:
A silver lining: How this effects Huckabee.
In the last day or two, Huckabee's been sticking his chest out, vowing to go on to the end. He's compared himself to a boxer, and said he won't leave the ring voluntarily, that he'll have to be carried out unconscious.
But now Romney, with an extraordinary amount of class, has stepped aside for what is, in his view, the benefit of the party. He's refused to drag the process along when he knows he has no realistic chance to win.
What does Huck do now? If he stays in, he looks even more like a self-important, arrogant and stubborn ass. If he drops out, he looks like a disingenuous bigot whose primary justification for running was to prevent a Mormon from winning.
This should be fun to watch.
Last Update, Really - Huckabee chooses...self-important posturing!

posted by Slublog at
12:51 PM
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