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February 06, 2008
Game Over for Romney...and Good Riddance to Huckabee (I hope)
Math has always been my worst subject, but even I can calculate the meaning of these numbers. Romney ran a professional campaign (with perhaps an over-reliance on negative ads) but in the end just wasn't able to connect to voters.
Even Hugh Hewitt sees the writing on the wall.
Huckabee should have gotten out of the race weeks ago, but for his own reasons stayed in and was essentially the Ross Perot of the GOP primary. Huckabee ran a terrible campaign, full of class-warfare, unproven accusations and religion-baiting and yet was still able to connect to voters, sometimes for the most groan-inducing of reasons.
So it's time to rally behind the new party leader and presumptive nominee...
Sorry, couldn't resist. I'll come around to the whole party unity thing in a bit. Right now, I'm just kicking the site old-school, as a Right-Wing Greenpeace...for EVIL.

posted by Slublog at
01:23 PM
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