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McCain: Romney Is A "Suck Up" For Courting Conservatives »
February 05, 2008
McCain Plays The Veteran Card. Again
Apparently Bob Dole wrote Rush Limbaugh a letter extolling Maverick's virtues but not endorsing him. When Romney got wind of it he said what I imagine a lot of conservatives were thinking.
Well, it's probably the last person I would have wanted write a letter for me. I think there are a lot of folks who tend to think that maybe John McCain's race is a bit like Bob Dole's race. That it's the guy who's next in line, the inevitable choice.
Of course McCain turned that into a swipe at veterans in general.
Governor Romney's attack on Bob Dole is disgraceful, and Governor Romney should apologize. Bob Dole is a war hero who has spent his life in service to this nation and nobody has worked harder to build the Republican Party. Bob Dole deserves the respect of every American and certainly every Republican.
Hey Maverick…shut up.
Don’t forget that in the process of misrepresenting Romney’s position on the surge and timetables, McCain demanded that Romney apologize to the men and women serving in the military.
If the rule is you can never engage in political sparing with veterans, we need a new rule. If the rule is McCain is going to be a whiny bitch and disparage people as insulting veterans every time someone says something he doesn’t like…we need a new front runner.

posted by DrewM. at
02:13 PM
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