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February 05, 2008
Super Tuesday
Today's the day for 24 states. Weather may play a factor, although in the areas affected, I'm not sure who gets helped by suppressed voter turnout (Huckabee's stupid assertions notwithstanding).
Here's the map:
And here's the weather:
So the Northeast is getting hammered with storms, as is the Midwest. Wisconsin had thick fog and freezing rain in the south. Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee should be ok until the weather arrives late tonight or tomorrow. The Southwest looks mostly clear and Southwesty. And all 37 of the primary voters in North Dakota should be able to make it to the polls.
UPDATE: I suppose I could explain the colors in the primary map, but I think most of you morons get it. Blue is Democrat only, Red is Republican only, and purple is both.
Like I give a shit. I can't really see red or purple.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:58 AM
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