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February 02, 2008
Larry Johnson Is Off His Meds Again! [eddiebear]
International man of mystery and infamous intimidator of bloggers Larry Johnson is back and crazier than ever. Owing to Ace's policy about not linking to lefty sites, here is what TopSecretK9 and Goldstein have found out about Larry's reaction to moveon.org endorsing Obama.
Sufice it to say he is not happy. I guess if I were the folks at moveon.org, be prepared for threatening phone calls late at night from some guy in Virginia.
What did Larry write to make me think he was going nuts?
"So much for principle. When the Republican led effort to condemn MoveOn.org for its ad calling General Petraeus on the carpet for being a political hack and betraying the troops, who stood with MoveOn’s right to have a voice? Hillary Clinton. Barack “the Coward” Obama voted PRESENT. Why? He didn’t want to have to stand for something that might be unpopular in a national election.
So who does MoveOn endorse for President? Barack of course. MoveOn has now demonstrated they are not to be taken seriously. They fuck the people who stand up for them and reward the ones who refuse to stand. That is courage in their eyes? Assholes!!"
Yup! That's Amore!

posted by xgenghisx at
11:48 PM
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