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February 02, 2008
Romney Wins Maine
With 64% of the vote counted, it's Romney 52%, McCain 21%, Paul 19%, Huckabee, 6%.
It's a non-binding preference poll, but then again, so was the Iowa Caucus. We just have far fewer voters, which probably explains why we got no love from the media or the candidates.
Well, we had heavy turnout today, and a state that tends to like independents like The Maverick™ handed him a loss.
On behalf of Maine Republicans, you're welcome.
Update - Given Maine’s political makeup, this should have been an easy win for McCain. This state has had two independent governors in the last 30 years. We routinely re-elect Snowe and Collins to the Senate (sorry about that, BTW), who are quite a bit like McCain in political temperament, popular in this state and who both endorsed him. Maine was the only state Ross Perot won in 1992. I’m surprised McCain conceded it, to be honest. I expected him to win.
Turnout was high today. Quite a few people I talked to (strangers and acquaintances) were concerned with the rise of McCain in the primary, which may explain the lopsided vote Romney received. There's a real enthusiasm gap for McCain - everyone I spoke with today will vote for him if he's the nominee, but he's not a popular figure even with the independent-minded voters of this state.
I'm not sure this really means anything in the long run, but it's a pleasant little win for Romney.

posted by Slublog at
10:16 PM
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