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February 01, 2008
England Is Pretty Much Done
In the name of "sensitivity," Islamic schools will be permitted to conduct their own inspections. Special rules for the de facto state religion, after all.
And a "leading" British education group advocates an end to teaching patriotism.
Patriotism should be avoided in school lessons because British history is “morally ambiguous”, a leading educational body recommends.
History and citizenship lessons should stick to the bare facts rather than encouraging loyalty to Britain when covering subjects such as the Second World War or the British Empire, the Institute of Education researchers said. Teachers should not instill pride in what they consider great moments of British history, as more shameful episodes could be downplayed or excluded.
The slave trade, imperialism and 20th century wars should be taught as controversial issues while students are deciding how they feel about their country, the report says.
Three quarters of teachers felt obliged to tell students about the danger of patriotism. The survey suggested neither pupils nor teachers wanted patriotism endorsed by schools.
I have a feeling that Islamist schools, now unfettered by outside inspections, will not be teaching that Islamist values are "morally ambiguous."
So while Islamic schools promote an unhinged pro-Islamist agenda, it's now just wrong to pipe up for the unifying values of Britain.
Thanks to CJ.