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January 31, 2008
Rasmussen California: McCain 32%, Romney 28%
That's apparently before Giuliani dropped out and endorsed McCain, but I think most of Giuliani's people will go to Romeny, endorsement or not.
The polls suggests a slight edge here for Romney picking up Giuliani's voters...
Sixty-five percent (65%) of Giuliani voters had a favorable opinion of Romney while 53% said the same about McCain. Sixty-eight percent (68%) of Giuliani’s voters believe McCain would be at least somewhat likely to win if nominated. Sixty-one percent (61%) are that confident about Romney’s electability.
McCain's always been a very known quantity. Either you liked him or you didn't. Effectively he's the incumbent, and late-deciders break for the challenger. I don't think an endorsement changes that.
Four points? In California? Very doable. Guessing at a 3:2 Romeny: McCain break, about 15% supported Giuliani, that's... hmm, three net points right there or thereabouts.