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January 30, 2008
Heh: Media Apologist Claims Perception of Biased Media Is Due To... Unfair Media Bias Against Media
Huh? He's not admitting the media is biased, mind you. He's saying unfair, biased portraits of the media in the media account for the perception the media is unfair and biased.
So the media has only one bias... against itself, apparently. On every other issue it's a straight-shooter.
I'm just getting around to reading the article, but Kevin D. Williamson's snippets are a hoot.
The jackoff concludes with a rousing call for the media to thoughtfully examine whether it demonstrates systemic bias, and take steps to remedy that tendency attack its critics:
But nothing journalists do will reverse the dark tides of popular cynicism. The wrecking balls destroying the credibility of the press cannot be stopped until we focus more attention on the credibility of those who are pulling the levers, including a public that has been conditioned, like rats in a Skinnerian dystopia, to hate us.
Correction: I attributed the post to Steve Spruiell mistakenly.