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January 28, 2008
State of the Union Thread
It doesn't sound like there'll be anything especially notable about Bush's swan song. Read between the bias:
President George W. Bush will try to reassure nervous Americans on Monday he is doing everything possible to keep the economy from sliding into recession, as he struggles to stay relevant in the twilight of his term.
With the stumbling U.S. economy supplanting the unpopular Iraq war as the public's top concern, Bush, in his final State of the Union address, will acknowledge the United States is "undergoing a period of economic uncertainty" but will sound an optimistic note.
"In the long run, Americans can be confident about our economic growth," Bush will say, according to excerpts of his speech released by the White House.
Bush will tout security gains in Iraq he credits to a troop buildup he ordered last January and will renew his call for Iran to stop enriching uranium and to "come clean" about its nuclear intentions.
"Our message to the leaders of Iran is also clear: verifiably suspend your nuclear enrichment, so negotiations can begin," Bush will say.
Politically weakened by the war in Iraq and eclipsed by the race to choose his successor, Bush will be more intent on recycling some of his old ideas than offering any bold new proposals.
In his annual speech to the U.S. Congress, broadcast live at 9 p.m. EST (0200 GMT) he has the chance to set the tone for his waning months in the White House and try to salvage his frayed legacy.
Hopefully there'll be a lot of red meat about the progress in Iraq -- and the Democrats who tried to stop that from occurring. But I doubt we'll get the latter, and, as usual, not enough of the former.
PS, the Terminator pilot is being re-aired at 8 on the East Coast (later, I guess, in other time zones) on Fox. I hear it's okay but pretty much don't believe that.