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January 19, 2008
War Pron
Over at Cuffy's place.
His link requires registration, but a simple google search for Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems will bring up lots of good articles, if you're so inclined.
Called the “70-kilometer sniper rifle” by soldiers in combat, the GMLRS is receiving positive feedback from the field, Kinne said.
“Guided MLRS has revolutionized the role of field artillery into the urban fight,” he said. “We can now take a rocket, shoot it up to 70 kilometers and put it precisely on a target while reducing collateral damage."
Cuffy includes a nifty video of a rooftop sniper conducting an involuntary personal evaluation of this munition.
The test rendered him unable to complete the survey questionnaire; however, on-site military personnel appear to claim that this itself is proof of the rocket's efficacy.
I guess we'll never know.

posted by Laura. at
07:48 PM
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