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January 18, 2008
Taking A Beating In The Market? Invest Safely... In Iraq
No, seriously. Financially they're stable and prudent.
I remember those old "Invest in Iraqi Currency" ads that used to run in the sidebar when I had BlogAds. I didn't want to dis an advertiser, but I wasn't comfortable with those ads and I always wanted to reject them. I thought they were preying on the emotions on those patriotic Americans who wished us well in Iraq, and who wanted to make those well-wishes tangible, but who would probably end up losing money on their good intentions.
I have no idea how Iraqi currency itself is doing (other than knowing it's very stable) or if anyone made money on that, but I guess it wasn't a half-bad place to throw a few investment dollars after all.
PS: I'm not really telling anyone to invest in Iraq, by the way. I'm overstating for effect.
But if you were even considering heeding my investment advice, your investment portfolio is probably already well balanced between blue-chip Magic Beans and high-growth Pixie Dust, so I guess there wouldn't have been any harm anyway.