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January 18, 2008
Squeezing Out Al-Qaeda in Iraq
Check out this map.
Almost a year after announcing the "surge", Al-Q has been pushed out of urban areas and their areas of operation significantly reduced.
Iraqi and US forces have also discovered 351 weapons caches and four tunnel complexes, Odierno said. Iraqi and US forces have also discovered three car bomb and improvised explosive device [IED] factories and 410 IEDs, including 18 car bombs and 25 homes rigged with explosives. Also found were "numerous torture chambers, an underground medical clinic, several closed schools, and a large foreign fighter camp with intricate tunnel complexes," said [USArmy Lt. Gen. Ray] Odierno.
Since Jan. 8 they've also killed 121 AQ, and detained over a thousand suspects. Baghdad's a lot quieter too.
I believed (wrongly, as it turns out) the war would be a major campaign issue. But not one of the serious Dem candidates for President would commit to ending it in five years. Sure, it was a "read my lips" moment, but they all knew it and knew what they had to say. Or rather couldn't say.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:09 AM
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