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January 16, 2008
Vid: Mitt Steps On McCain's Speech, After McCain Steps On Huck's
Via Hot Air, which notes this post at The Corner:
The race isn't over yet. Romney is still well behind McCain in South Carolina why let him look gracious in defeat when you can give your victory speech and pre-empt a free-media opportunity for your opponent? Yeah, maybe it looks mean, but this is what you do if you want to win. Politics isn't about making friends.
Good advice, yo. I won't say the obvious but you all know what I'm thinking.
And Hot Air of course has the video of Russert being heckled at the Democratic debate for daring to ask about the quite-public racial tensions that have overtaken it.
How dare a member of the media air the Democrats' dirty laundry in a public forum? Don't they know they're supposed to keep that quiet?
Oh -- and Huck's supporters are of course now push-polling against both Mitt and Fred.