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Spider-Man's Marriage Annulled... By The Devil »
January 15, 2008
More Sci-Fi Becoming Reality
A research team at the University of Minnesota developed a technique (using rat hearts) that could be used to create new tissues or whole organs from your own cells.
She said one of the hurdles in creating so-called bio-artificial organs has been getting the complex structures. The process her team used keeps those structures in place.
After the living cells were implanted onto the framework, contractions began in four days. Eight days later, the hearts the scientists created were beating, according to a news release.
They propose using organs recovered from cadavers to provide the framework for the new organs.
Just thinking out loud here:
Valu-Rite vodka gets the job done for Ace, but since it contains small amounts - barely noticeable, really- of ethylene glycol, he may need a new pair of kidneys and perhaps even a liver at some point in the near future.
Just suggesting he keep that in mind, maybe bring a couple big ziploc baggies with him the next time Hobo Madness strikes.

posted by Laura. at
08:29 PM
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