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January 12, 2008
Racism Rampant In The Republican Democratic Campaign
See Allah's later updates here regarding this developing controversy. Which seems to be a real thing, not just us Republicans saying ha-ha to a minor fooferall.
The problem seems to be that whenever Hillary or her spokesmen say anything negative at all about Obama -- he lacks experience, his record of accomplishments is thin, it's a "fairy tale" that he can end the War in Iraq with a glowing smile and some "healing," etc. -- it's perceived by black Democrats as a racial attack.
Or maybe not a racial attack per se, but they don't like it.
Which leaves Hillary in the curious position of being in a political contest in which she is not permitted to contest her political opponent's qualifications.
I sort of sympathize for her: It is rather absurd that, because Obama is black, no negative words about him are permitted. And it's a foreshadowing of what the GOP will be up against should Obama win -- I feel comfortable predicting that while the press currently doesn't know how to adjudicate the current dispute over "racial attacks" from Hillary, they'll be very confident indeed about branding such knocks on Obama as racist when coming from the GOP.
It should be noted, though, that some of Hillary's spokesmen have dabbled in those "racial code words" we've heard so much about in the past, shuckin' and jivin' on Obama.
But just saying the guy's got two years of experience in national politics? That's a racial attack?
On the other hand, anyone who criticizes Hillary is a sexist.
So that's where the Democrats' fifty years of identity politics have gotten them: If Hillary loses, the party is sexist. If Obama loses, the party is racist.