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January 12, 2008
Iraq Announces Complete Pentration of Al Qaeda, But Zero Penetration of American Media
No news is good news, and now vice versa.
The Interior Ministry announced Friday that al-Qaeda in Iraq has been successfully penetrated by means of a recently formed government security apparatus and is virtually an "open book," confirming that the sectarian sedition in the country was at the end of its rope.
Major General Abdul Karim Khalaf, director of operations at the Interior Ministry, told KUNA here "we have succeeded in establishing a capable intelligence apparatus to penetrate the al-Qaeda organization in Iraq and all armed groups targeting Iraqi national security." He said emphatically that the sectarian sedition in Iraq has virtually ended, adding that the new intelligence apparatus is able to achieve its objectives regarding all armed groups operating in Iraq.
He went on to say that "al-Qaeda is now an open book for us, now that we have succeeded in penetrating it."
Captain Ed comments:
It's interesting that this news got reported by an outfit called Muslim World News. So far, I have not seen this in media outlets named Washington Post or the New York Times. The statement itself seems provocative enough to at least have reported it here in the US, as it seems a lot more relevant here than in India.
Thanks to CJ.