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January 11, 2008
Ron Paul: A Speedboat Could Never Have Damaged A US Naval Warship
On October 12, 2000, a small boat exploded alongside the USS Cole killing 17 sailors, wounding 39 others, and leaving extensive damages.
"Our prayers are with the families who have lost their loved ones," President Clinton said in a statement on October 12.
The USS Cole was refueling in the port city of Aden, Yemen. Officials believe that two suicide bombers crashed the small boat into the USS Cole, detonating a bomb. Yemeni officials discovered bomb making equipment in a house near Aden and believe that the two men spent several days there planning the attack.
Ron Paul asserted these ships could have taken care of the speedboats in "five minutes," which is odd, because he was also whining we should have jumped to start World War III by "taking care" of these speedboats at all.
Furthermore, the speedboats were allowed to approach pretty closely to our ships -- our commanders showed a lot of restraint. The point is by that point they had, due to their restraint, given up most of that "five minutes" and now had maybe fifteen more seconds to act, tops. The speedboats disengaged at that point. Had they not, our seamen would have had ten seconds to "take care" of them. Not five minutes.
He just doesn't make any sense.
Were our commanders supposed to "take care" of the speedboats in "five minutes," Dr. Paul? Or were they supposed to let them collide with our ships because "little speedboats" couldn't harm US military craft? Which? You claimed both in the span of ten seconds.
Because Dr. Paul is such a renaissance man of economics, science, diplomacy, international bankers and their filthy gutter religion, and warfare, I hereby forbid any reference to him by his given name.
On this site, henceforth, he will be known by the high honorific he has so richly earned: Professor Science.
Thank you for observing this rule.
Well, It's Not Professor Science Exactly... But Slublog did this earlier tonight.