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January 12, 2008
Morons take Manhattan TONIGHT (final bump) [someone]
I'd bump the previous post, except it got caught up in a torrent of amusing updates. So, to sum up the important points:
1. Morons meeting for Val-U-Rite and a hobo hunt. Tonight.
2. The location will not be posted.
3. Therefore, if you're considering attending, email me at blog dot someone at gmail dot com.
4. Some of you who said you wanted to attend in the previous comment thread haven't emailed.
UPDATE: If you need to contact me (i.e. you're lost, can't find us, or want to show up at the last minute) tonight, use the above email. I'll get it via phone.
UPDATE 2: Thanks to everyone who showed. If anyone went and couldn't find us, I'm really sorry. I meant to arrive early with a t-shirt, but neither happened. I did try to lurk by the door to see who might be a moron, though. (Warning: "Are you a moron?" isn't the best pickup line.)

posted by xgenghisx at
03:54 PM
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