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January 09, 2008
Hey, Anyone Remember Iraq?
While everyone has been focused on New Hampshire, US and Iraqi forces have gone on the offensive again against the terrorists.
With the success of The Anbar Awakening keeping things quiet out west and the security situation continuing to improve in Baghdad, Diayalah Province is next.
While there were three US deaths yesterday, overall coalition forces are meeting less resistance than expected. But that hasn’t stopped them from helping 20-30 bad guys find out if those virgins are everything they supposed to be.
Maj. Gen. Mark P. Hertling told reporters in Baghdad that in his area of control alone, 24,000 American troops, 50,000 members of the Iraq army and 80,000 Iraqi police were taking part in the offensive against al-Qaida in Iraq.
Diyala province northeast of Baghdad has not seen the same drop in violence that other parts of the nation have witnessed in the last six months. Commanders say that is because insurgents who were pushed out of Anbar province to the west and out of Baghdad fled north into Hertling's territory, specifically into Diyala.
"We're attempting to increase the tempo of operations in that specific province," Hertling said. "There are more U.S. and Iraqi security forces in Diyala now than there ever has been."
It’s not over by a long shot in Iraq but it’s pretty clear who has the momentum.
posted by DrewM. at
12:17 PM
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