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January 09, 2008
I can't believe I'm asking this (bumped) [someone]
[UPDATE 2: Dear morons, you know how to email, don't you?
Some folks have contacted me, but others have just announced their intent to show in the comment thread. That's nice, but I'm not going to post the actual location here. If you want to go -- and it's still this Saturday evening in Manhattan -- or are even considering going, please email me at the address below. I need to get info to you, plus a rough head count would be nice. Don't make me have to start sending angry hobos to track you down.]
But any of the NYC-area morons around for a mini-gathering next weekend?
I don't know if King Moron is available (or even alive), but I figured I should post this first.
UPDATE: OK, I'm still not sure what (or who) the turnout's going to be, but the event will happen. Saturday night (1/12), probably in Manhattan. Email me at blog dot someone at gmail dot com for details, if you're interested.
[Ace:] Is It Just Me... Or should a post berating morons for not being able to successfully compose an email actually contain an email address to which to send it?
UPDATE 3: It's just you, Ace. Other people can look at the line RIGHT ABOVE WHERE YOU POSTED.
[Ace]: I really have to start reading this stupid fucking blog.
Sometimes people ask me what the blog is about. "I'm not sure," I tell them. "People tell me it's about tits and vodka. And hatred."
YARVIN! [Gabe]
A Little Assistance [Slublog] - Might want to avoid these places.
UPDATE (Jack M.): I don't have anything to add. Everybody else was updating, though, and I didn't want to feel left out. You know...a social outcast. Like Dave in Texas.
UPDATE TO THE UPDATE [Dave in Texas]: Suckit, JackM. Also I beat Bart and Slublog in the football pool.
I have no life.

posted by xgenghisx at
04:22 PM
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