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January 03, 2008
Remember: Exit Polls Lie [someone]
Just a public service announcement, folks: don't believe any media accounts of who "won" or "lost" today until the actual numbers come in.
Remember calling Florida for Gore before the polls even closed? Remember the 2004 day-of-election polls showing a Kerry landslide (and causing Ace to soil himself)?
Yeah. Real trustworthy. Now factor in the billion-way race going on...
Just A Thought: someone is obviously right; exit polls are unreliable in real elections, never mind in this goofy fake-pretend thingy, where the great bulk of exit-pollsters will be, of course, in the largest cities in Iowa, sprawling metropli like... DeMoines. But there will be no one at all checking in to see how the farflung rural precincts are voting.
But I'm not sure how much that matters. This isn't an election where projections in Iowa influence what happens in California. I suppose early buzz that, say, "Huckabee's running away with it!" or the like could make some (dumb, sheeplike) caucusers join the bandwagon.
So I guess the takeaway is if you are in Iowa, and you are dumb and weak (be honest with yourself come on, you know you are), you should not listen to anyone else but rather just follow your dumb, stupid, ignorant weak-willed heart.
Oh, and PS: None of this really matters all that much. This is a goofy frickin' fake election. It's only slightly more important than the surprise news that Ron Paul won the "MySpace Primary," in which all participants note their favored candidate and also their a/s/l.

posted by xgenghisx at
06:16 PM
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