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January 03, 2008
AoS Lifestyle Handbook
I've just found the defacto unofficial official AoS lifestyle handbook of protocol for all situations. Its called Killing Strangers. I have no idea who wrote it, or what its really about, but the author's chapter synopsis grabbed me as um...very apt. Yes, that's the word I'm looking for apt.
* Motorcycles, ATV's, 4x4's, trains, ambulances, planes, cruise ships, a SeaDoo, a DUKW, and a helicopter.
* Women and witches and beggars and whores.
* Drugs and alcohol and frantic calls to 911.
* Pistols and shotguns and blood and Her Majesty's Prison.
* Passports and oceans and envelopes full of cash.
* Gambling and hurricanes and missing millionaires.
* Guinea pigs and lobsters and wild pigs and sharks.
* Confrontations with the law at home and abroad.