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December 19, 2007
A Special Christmas Greeting From Mike Huckabee
Exclusively posted here on AoSHQ:
I want to wish Rudy Giuliani a very Merry Christmas.
We share a common faith in Jesus as Savior and a common love of our fellow brothers and sisters.
Of course, as a Catholic, doesn't Giuliani believe that when he takes communion he is literally eating the body and drinking the blood of Christ?
I don't know, I don't have a theology degree or anything. I'm just asking. It's just that when I look at a Nativity scene with baby Jesus, I'm not not licking my lips, thinking, "mmmm, dinner".
I mean, to even suggest such a thing is outlandish behavior, worthy of comdemnation whether it is in a presidential campaign or even in polite company.
In fact during this celebration of Christmas, we should all look beyond the campaign, put aside our differences, whether cannibal or True Christian Leader, and put on the love of Christ.
May You Have A Blessed Christmas,
PS Is it just me or does Giuliani look a little Jewish?
I added that last line. The rest is pure Mike Huckabee, or at least the "Mike Huckabee" posting in the comments.
Another One... Funky Chicken alerts me to Mike Huckabee talking up Fred Thompson:
Fred is a member of the Churches of Christ, isn't he? I mean, I'm just asking, but don't they believe that Jesus thinks musical instruments are the tools of the devil? I don't know, I'm just asking. How could I know? I mean, it's not like I have a theology degree. I'm just a humble man who shepherded a flock of loving people in Arkansas. And anyway, I don't care whether he believes that Jesus was fiction. I don't know that he does, I'm just saying, even if he did, it's not any of my business. Seriously, Fred Thompson may be going to hell for all I know, but what does it matter? He may be consumed by an everlasting fire of God's wrath for a multitude of sins he has committed, but that should be out of bounds for any conversation regarding this campaign. Just because Fred Thompson may hate Jesus won't stop me from being a Christian Leader who humbly walks with his Lord.
For His Glory,
PS His wife wears make-up like a street whore.
Added the PS there, too. Not sure why. I think I'm just trying to steal some comedy glory from this guy.