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December 10, 2007
Christianophobia: Colorado Church Shooter "Hated Christians"
See Allah's last update.
Can the MSM lay off the Christian-hatred given that it's producing an anti-Christian backlash with a bodycount?
Oh: The parishoner who stopped the shooting was not a "rent a cop" but rather simply a lawfully armed private citizen toting her own gun.
But armed private citizens never stop crimes.
UPDATE [Dave in Texas]: Commenter EF links the news conf video.
Awesomely, she notes the serious disadvantage in firepower. News reports said he had an "assault rifle", and two handguns. Given the inability of the media to understand firearms, we might not know for months what he was carrying. But I'll note this FWIW, say he had a cheap commie SKS.
Goddamn. She took him on with a handgun. And took him out.
Kick ass.