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December 07, 2007
David Shuster On Evangelicals: "We'll go to a revival and then go to Guantanamo Bay and torture some people just for fun."
Video here.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: This is the same New York Times editorial page that ran columns after George W. Bush was elected in 2004 saying evangelicals were closer to Osama Bin Laden than our allies in Europe. That of course came from Garry Wills. Then Maureen Dowd said that evangelicals were going to take us back to the Dark Ages. I think there is some hostility, on the New York Times editorial page, toward evangelicals.
DAVID SHUSTER: They still get it right on occasion.
If only those who screamed the loudest about religious tolerance actually believed in religious tolerance themselves.
As Instapundit says of global warming: "I'll believe there's a crisis when they people shrieking that there's a crisis begin acting as if there's a crisis."
Shuster doesn't believe in tolerance or amity. He's a full blown culture warrior -- and hater. He's not pro-tolerance, he's just on the other side, to steal another Instapundit quip.
Thanks to CJ.