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November 30, 2007
RedState and Human Events Offer A "Do Over Debate" To Republican Candidates [Nice Deb]
Dissatisfied with the disgrace that was the CNN-YouTube debate, Redstate and Human Events has joined forces to offer the Republican candidates a "do-over", this time with conservatives in charge of vetting the questioners:
We have a base of readers who represent the Republican wing of the Republican Party. You – and the Republican Party – deserve to face the questions posed by undecided Republicans, not Democratic activists. We will solicit and obtain YouTube videos from those people and vet each questioner to establish that they are – really - - undecided Republicans. We hope to include soldiers in the field in Iraq, Young Republicans, and others who still have not decided among you.
Today, allow us to make you this offer: We will organize a debate at a time and date amenable to you all. We will work with a national broadcaster to broadcast the debate as well as offer it online. We, not the liberal drive by media, will ensure the questioners are who they say they are. And we will choose them based on criteria that will be fully disclosed to you all which ensure the questioners aren’t activists for any Democratic candidate.
This is an excellent idea. I hope the candidates take them up on it.

posted by xgenghisx at
05:27 PM
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