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November 30, 2007
Suicide Bomber Hostage-Taker at Clinton HQ in NH
Final Update for This Post:
All hostages released. The hostage taker may be a local crazy guy named "Troy Stanley." They're still trying to get him out of the HQ. There is some conjecture that his bomb is actually made up of flares.
Earlier post:
I'm just looking through the story now.
Michelle Malkin is all over it.
As is Gateway Pundit.
Thanks to SOC and geoff for noticing it.
More: FOX has it, CNN is covering the train collision in Chicago.
The fellow, in his 40s, has taken two hostages. I see in news stories he's described as "armed", but it's not clear that they mean with a gun or are just referring to the bomb (or fake bomb) duct-taped to his chest.
There are sharpshooters standing by.
Question: what is it that this guy wants? He obviously doesn't want to kill others and die or he would have done it before he let two others go. So is he just a nut?
Oh, okay. FOX reports that his demand is to speak with Clinton. Weird.
And again: Arbalest points out that it was hella premature to call this fellow a "suicide bomber." At this point he's just a hostage taker with a bomb. God willing, he won't become a suicide bomber and that the two hostages will be released soon.
This is going into its second hour and it doesn't look like the New Hampshire authorities are releasing any official information (they've understandably got more important things to do). It's just conjecture at this point.
CNN briefly covered it before going back to the train crash to hypothesize that the bomber had himself released the first two hostages and told them to call 911.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
03:22 PM
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