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November 28, 2007
Pew: Public Now Split 48-48 On Whether War Is "Going Well"
Somewhat good news. If we can get a bare majority, say 51%-46%, liberals can go back to calling themselves "brave dissenters" without the inconvenience of actually "dissenting" with a majoritarian opinion.
The poll finds that 54% still want to bring the troops home -- but that seems to be a dog's breakfast of a question, because it's not clear what that means nor how respondents took it to mean. As Jules Crittenden says, "I want the troops home too. After we win." For many who support victory, bringing home the troops represents the final recognition that victory has been achieved.
So I don't think that question means what Pew wants it to mean. I rather doubt that 48% of Americans believe the war is going well but want to surrender anyway.